The 164 and More book is sold on this website at the Publisher List Price of $20.00 plus postage.
The book may also be sold by Intergroup/Central Offices or recovery book stores at List Price
or slightly higher. But beware of others that sell the book marked up 400% or more.
For the same money, you could buy 4 books and use 3 as sponsee gifts.
From the books ...
Alcoholics Anonymous (Big Book) and
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (12 & 12)
HAD is a
common word
Definition in Merriam-Webster Online
This is a common word and its list of
passages is not available. Words considered "common" are ...
- Single-character words.
Examples are A, V, 2, X.
- Pronouns, articles, and other short words that don't contribute to the
meaning of the sentence.
Examples are IT, THE, OF.
- Words occurring so often they are arguably not helpful when searching.
Search for another word in the passage you want to find.
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