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For the same money, you could buy 4 books and use 3 as sponsee gifts.
From the books ...
Alcoholics Anonymous (Big Book) and
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (12 & 12)
2 times
1 in BB • 1 in 12&12
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Even then the
best of us
will discover to our
dismay that there is
always a
sticking point, a
point at which we
say, "
No, I can't
give this
up yet."
agnostics and
atheists were
sticking to the
idea that
sufficiency would
solve our
The 164 and More™ Book, eBook, and Web Site
are all CONCORDANCES which display passages from the Big Book
Alcoholics Anonymous, the
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,
and the A.A. Grapevine (A.A. Preamble only).
Sorting and rendering passages in the proprietary format of the
164 and More concordance does not in any way imply
affiliation with or endorsement by either Alcoholics Anonymous World Services
Inc., or the A.A. Grapevine, Inc. Further A.A.W.S. Inc. and the A.A.
Grapevine Inc. have no objection to the use of this material in the
164 and More concordance.
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