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From the books ...
Alcoholics Anonymous (Big Book) and
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (12 & 12)
SINCERE occurs
6 times
5 in BB • 1 in 12&12
Definition in Merriam-Webster Online
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to view that page in the literature.
Men have
cried out to me in
sincere and
despairing appeal: "
Doctor, I cannot
go on
like this! I have
live for! I
must stop, but I cannot! You
must help me!"
those who have
made progress in
A.A., it
amounts to a
clear recognition of what and who we
really are,
followed by a
sincere attempt to
become what we could be.
That the
man who is
making the
approach has had the
same difficulty, that he
obviously knows what he is
talking about, that his
deportment shouts at the
new prospect that he is a
man with a
real answer, that he has
no attitude of
Holier Than
nothing whatever except the
sincere desire to be
helpful; that there are
no fees to
axes to
no people to
no lectures to be
endured --
these are the
conditions we have
found most
But our
man is
sure to be
impressed with a
sincere desire to
set right the
used to
promise my
wife, my
friends, and my
children that I would
drink no more --
promises which
seldom kept me
sober even through the
though I was
very sincere when I
made them.
The 164 and More™ Book, eBook, and Web Site
are all CONCORDANCES which display passages from the Big Book
Alcoholics Anonymous, the
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,
and the A.A. Grapevine (A.A. Preamble only).
Sorting and rendering passages in the proprietary format of the
164 and More concordance does not in any way imply
affiliation with or endorsement by either Alcoholics Anonymous World Services
Inc., or the A.A. Grapevine, Inc. Further A.A.W.S. Inc. and the A.A.
Grapevine Inc. have no objection to the use of this material in the
164 and More concordance.
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